With new sustainability reporting directives just around the corner, Scope 3 data management introduces the need for even greater efforts to what has already been shown to be a difficult area to navigate in. Connected to thousands of vendors, large organizations looking to remain compliant need efficient tools and methodologies for data validation, management, and reporting.

Join CGI and Informatica in this intimate discussion on how to move from relying on a few key employees in manual spreadsheets to smooth self-service and automated Scope 3 data and validation processes.


  1. Sustainability - how to think about it
    Anders Axelsson, Senior Manager CR Strategy & Development, ICA Group
    Guest speaker and sustainability pioneer Anders will kick things off by talking about how modern organizations should think about their sustainability efforts.
  2. The data challenge – how to handle it
    Levent Ergin, Global Chief ESG Sustainability Strategist, Informatica
    Levent will cover how Informatica’s data platform will help businesses overcome the data challenge by transforming their ESG/sustainability data management. He will use examples from many different industries and ESG requirements such as carbon emission, deforestation and other due diligence factors throughout the supply chain – regardless of the subject matter at hand.
  3. The business challenge – insights and how to get started
    Angelica Reyes, Sustainability Specialist, Consultant & ESG Practice Lead, CGI
    Jens Lee, Vice President & Strategic Business Unit ESG Practice Lead, CGI
    Scope 3 is a business process and a data challenge. Angelica & Jens share insights from numerous client conversations and walk us through the business challenges for large corporations when handling Scope 3 with thousands of vendors. They will also guide us through how to get started addressing the Scope 3 ESG data challenges, keys to success and common pitfalls related to both people, processes and technology.

Date: 17 April 2024
15:00 – 18:00 CET

15:00 - 15:30 - Registration & coffee
15:30 - 17:00 - Agenda
17:00 - 18:00 - Networking & refreshments

Location: Informatica Stockholm
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