Cloud Data Quality:
Profiling and Monitoring

Instructor Led | IDMC Data Quality | 2 Days | August 2024 Release

Course Overview

Learn the fundamentals of Informatica Cloud Data Quality, including Intelligent Data Management Cloud (IDMC) architecture, the graphical user interface (GUI), and Data Quality assets. The course emphasizes analyzing and monitoring data, featuring activities such as creating and interpreting profiles, building rules to detect anomalies, scorecarding to track data quality, and identifying and exporting exception records.
This course is applicable to August 2024 Release.


After successfully completing this course, students should be able to:

  • Describe Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud Architecture
  • Describe what Cloud Data Quality is and how it can be utilized
  • Profile data to identify anomalies
  • Create Dictionaries to hold reference data for verification and standardization routines
  • Use Rule Specifications to configure business rules
  • Monitor data quality over time with Scorecards
  • Identify exception records and download them for manual correction
  • Explore how to profile alternative source data

Target Audience

  • Business Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Stewards
  • Developer
  • Business User


  • None
Module 1: Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud Overview
  • Introduction to Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud (IDMC)
  • Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud Terminology
  • Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud Architecture
  • Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud Services
  • Runtime Environments
  • Connections
  • The Administrator Service
  • Lab: Define a Flat File Connection
  • Lab: Create a Training Folder
Module 2: Cloud Data Quality Overview
  • What is Data Quality?
  • Discuss the Data Quality Management Process Cycle
  • List and explain the Dimensions of Data Quality
  • Describe Data Quality Functions, Inputs, and Outputs
  • Cloud Data Quality Services and Assets
Module 3: Cloud Data Profiling
  • Profile Data
  • Review Profiling Results and Identify Anomalies
  • Profile Features
  • Lab: Profiling Data
  • Lab: Profiling Insights
Module 4: Dictionaries
  • What are Dictionaries and why are they used?
  • Creating Dictionaries
  • Lab: Create a Dictionary to standardize the Company
  • Lab: Copy and update an existing Dictionary to standardize data
  • Lab: Create a Dictionary to enhance data
Module 5: Rule Specifications
  • Introduction to Rule Specifications
  • Building Rule Specifications
  • Lab: Create a Rule Specification to Validate the Company Field
  • Lab: Create a Rule Specification to Validate Contact Details
  • Lab: Create a Rule Specification to Derive a Nameprefix
  • Lab: Create a Rule Specification to Cleanse and Standardize the Company
Module 6: Profile Rules Review and Analysis
  • Application of custom Rules and Assets to profiles
  • Lab: Apply the Custom Rules to a Profile and Review
  • Lab: Apply Custom Assets to a Profile and Review
Module 7: Scorecards
  • Scorecard Overview
  • Update a Profile and define Rule Occurrences
  • Review Scorecards
  • Lab: Apply Rules to a Profile and Review
  • Lab: Create a Scorecard
Module 8: Exception Management
  • The Exception Management Process
  • Configure an Exception Task
  • Lab: Define an Exception Rule Specification to Identify Records with Invalid Companies
  • Lab: Define an Exception Rule Specification to Identify Records with Invalid Addresses
  • Lab: Create and Run an Exception Task
Module 9: Profiling Alternative Sources
  • Profiling Source Mapplets, XML, and JSON files
  • Lab: Profile a JSON File
  • Lab: Profile a Source Mapplet

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